Author Archives: Marc Ambrock

Minimum wage in Germany effective from January 1, 2015

MindestlohnArticle collaboration: Michael Wendler

As from January 1, 2015, there is a legal minimum wage of 8.50 euros per hour for the first time in the Federal Republic of Germany. Germany is now one of the 21 out of 28 member states of the European Union to have a cross-industry minimum wage.

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Germans are funny

Germans are funny

On the way to work, other rules can be observed, which simply cause despair and raise.

It already begins with the morning greetings: should I say Guten Morgen (in Hannover), Moin Moin (in Hamburg) or Grüss Gott (in Bayern)? And, of course, foreigners in Germany flood me with questions as they just cannot make sense of us. Read more »

Lies, Statistics

Lügen, Statistiken

If we do not find the way back to the truth, the way back will be so much more expansive as nothing is more expansive than false information

In view of the economic situation, more and more purchase index, growth rates, money supply and endless surveys are thrown around, all of which are supposed to underpin politicians and self-proclaimed economists’ arguments. Allow me to tell you that in any case I do not believe such data, and even less so when I haven’t proven them wrong myself. Read more »